On February 12, 1809, Charles Darwin was born, the British naturalist who completely changed our vision of life, based on divine creation until then. 200 years ago nothing was known about the origin of the first living organisms and how they had laid the foundations of the exuberant biological wealth of our planet. Charles Darwin postulated that all species of living beings have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process called natural selection. Natural selection is based on the fact that certain organisms present hereditary variations that enable them to live longer and leave more offspring than others, so that in the long term, generation after generation, there is an accumulation of favorable characteristics that improve the adaptation of the species to its surroundings.
There is some controversy in the scientific community about whether the human being continues to evolve, and therefore, experiencing changes in its genome that make it unrecognizable in a matter of centuries. Some researchers are convinced that natural selection has stopped affecting humanity thanks to technological advances, which allow, for example, the genetic manipulation of the zygote. However, most suggest that man is in constant evolution and that the natural and sexual selections are still valid in our species, since we have not reached the maximum degree of adaptation to the environment, which is increasingly changing due to precisely , to this technological development.
These are some of the changes experienced by the human being during the last thousands of years and that would demonstrate that we are still subject to evolution:
Less intelligent: According to a study by the University of Umea (Sweden), the human being has seen its IQ reduced in recent decades because smarter people choose to have fewer children, while people with less favorable genes increase his offspring.
Smaller brains: The latest measurements reveal that the average volume of the brain of the human being has decreased by 10% in the last 30,000 years, that is, the equivalent of a tennis ball. According to experts, this brain reduction has its explanation in that we have developed more sophisticated forms of intelligence and we depend to a lesser extent on the gray matter that controls our body to survive.
Best musicians: According to various studies, musical ability is an index of good learning abilities or fine motor skills, which would explain the greater reproductive success of those who practice it. On the other hand, man has developed an innate predisposition to dance from birth, also considered an indicator of social skills and communication skills.
Monogamous: A study by the University of British Columbia (Canada), stated that communities that allow men to have several wives develop a higher rate of violence, poverty and gender inequalities, while monogamy reduces male competitiveness, thus decreasing the associated social problems and ensuring greater longevity.
Better cooks: Cooked meat provides more energy than raw meat, according to a team of researchers from Harvard University (USA). This finding suggests that humans are biologically adapted to take advantage of the benefits of cooked foods.
Liars: Some researchers suggest that knowing how to lie is an evolutionary advantage, since conflicts of interest cause that nature is favored by individuals who suppress or misrepresent information.
More readers: According to an investigation carried out by the American researchers Jonathan Gottschall and Joseph Carroll, the literature favors social behaviors that fulfill an adaptive function and incite us to fight basic impulses and work cooperatively.