New computer. New editing post. New semester.
Yesterday I got my new computer, a 2007 MacBook. So far, so good. It's a sexy little thing. Let's hope it keeps working. My old iBook was too old and had crapped out. There's still a bunch of stuff on it that I need to transfer and I would like to do that before next week.
In other news, I am now the Community and Lifestyles editor for Voices, a local paper with a strong focus on labor, secularism, the environment and liberal/progressive things. We focus on issues pertinent to and developing in central Pennsylvania.
Finally, next Monday, the fall semester starts and it is going to be a busy one. I am teaching two sections of Integrative Arts 1: Intro to the Arts wherein we watch, listen to, and read art that is all done as a reaction to war or in preparation for war. This includes the expressionist works of the Second Viennese School (Berg, Schoenberg, and Webern), Nazi propaganda posters and the film Triumph of the Will, Night by Elie Wiesel, The Painted Bird by Kosinski, a slew of Polish and Russian music written during or in the wake of WW II, and then finally some music and fiction from Americans that reacts to the Vietnam War. In addition to that I am taking four classes to start my graduate certification/possible M.S. in social studies education.
Work. Marriage. Baby. Bikes. Editing. Keeping sane. A challenge for sure.
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