On Friday I woke up with a very mild hangover; just some mild dehydration really. But I had told myself that I was going to do a race-paced ride on the Single Speed World Championship 2005 course which I hadn't ridden since mid-April when I weighed 20 pounds more than I do now and didn't have the couple thousand miles in my legs I now have.
The ride was great. I rolled out from the parking lot at the Tussey Mountain Ski area and took a good clip up the trail that parallels Bear Meadows Rd. and then got onto Laurel Run Road and worked toward finding a cadence. This was all cold...no warm-up...and I remembered starting races cold. It makes finding rhythm a bit harder than when you get 15 minutes in of moderately highly intense work. But I digress.
Following the sharpest corner in Centre County I started thinking about the coming rock garden on Three Bridges Trail:
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